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Brenton Simons on history, genealogy, collecting, and the arts
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Utterly sublime: Les Jardins de Quatre-Vents
I recently had the great privilege of making a long trek from Boston to Quebec to visit friends and experience one of the most impressive...

The Art of Presidential Biography
It was a great pleasure to present Presidential historian and bestselling author Douglas Brinkley with his genealogy at the American...

The Great Houses of Ireland
Join internationally renowned country house expert Curt DiCamillo, NEHGS Curator of Collections, next month (September 15-21) as we...

Plymouth 400th Commemorations
I am honored to announce that Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts has appointed me to the Plymouth 400th Anniversary Commission. I...

150th Anniversary Commemorations of the National Peace Jubilee
On Friday March 29, 2019, the Associates of the Boston Public Library will host a commemorative event marking the 150th anniversary of...

"Four Centuries of American Family Heritage Treasures" Washington, DC, April 8, 2019
Please join me! On Monday, April 8, 2019, I will give an all-new, illustrated talk in Washington, DC, on "Four Centuries of American...

Migrations: A Citywide Festival in New York
Carnegie Hall and 75+ partnering organizations will sponsor a festival of 100+ events in New York City entitled "Migrations: The Making...

A Family Becoming American
A truly remarkable contribution to the field of genealogy has been achieved by my colleague and friend, David Watson Kruger. If you are...

A magnificent royal chart
Genealogist Don Charles Stone has prepared a magnificent chart for me tracing my descents from Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, Edward...

Announcing "The Mayflower 500"
Genealogist Gary Boyd Roberts, Senior Research Scholar Emeritus at and the New England Historic Genealogical...
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