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Discovering Classical Design in Boston's South End

The New England Historic Genealogical Society is delighted to be a lender to a special exhibition opening tomorrow, May 11, at the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston, "Entrepreneurship & Classical Design in Boston's South End: The Furniture of Isaac Vose & Thomas Seymour, 1815 to 1825," May 11 through September 14, 2018:

"Virtually forgotten for 200 years, Isaac Vose and his brilliant furniture are revealed in a new exhibition and accompanying volume. Beginning with a modest pair of collection boxes he made for his localBoston church in 1788, Vose went on to build a substantial business empire and to make furniture for the most prominent Boston families. The exhibition and catalog restore Vose from relative obscurity to his rightful position as one of Boston’s most important craftsmen. Opening at the Massachusetts Historical Society on May 11, the exhibition will be on view through September 14. The complementary book, Rather Elegant Than Showy (May 2018), by Robert Mussey and Clark Pearce, will be available for sale at the MHS."

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