Illuminate Thanksgiving

Illuminate Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 17, 2018 - 4:30 pm,
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Starts at National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse, 19 Town Square, Plymouth, concludes at Plymouth Waterfront
This event is FREE and open to the public!
Above, American Ancestors CEO Brenton Simons, right, recites the "One Small Candle" speech of his ancestor, Governor William Bradford; left, Dr. George Garmany, Governor of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants.
Plymouth 400 invites you to join us as we, together with partners around the world, Illuminate Thanksgiving.
At this event, Brenton Simons will recite the words of an American forefather, Governor William Bradford; “…as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many, … ” Illuminate Thanksgiving will take place on the same day as the annual America’s Hometown Thanksgiving Parade on Saturday, November 17.
The program begins at 4:30 pm at the National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse (formerly First Parish Church). This historic venue is located on the town square at the top of Leyden Street. Founded in 1620 by the Pilgrims, it is the oldest church congregation in the United States in continuous operation. The indoor portion of the event will run approximately 45 minutes and be immediately followed by a Procession of Lights down Leyden Street, the original street of Plymouth Colony. The event culminates on the Plymouth Waterfront where a program of gratitude and giving will be presented by many talented young people from around the region.
This special annual event focuses on young people and their ability to be that “one small candle” making a difference in the lives of many. The program features inspirational music by Northern Lights A Capella Chorus from Plymouth North High School and an original song performed by the Plymouth International Chorus. There will be a reading of Bradford’s quote by one of his descendants followed by a candle-lighting ceremony. The winner of the Plymouth 400 essay contest will be announced and the winner will read their response to the question, “Who illuminates your life?”, providing a powerful moment of gratitude and giving. Finally, the recipient of the One Small Candle Award will be announced. This award honors an individual or organization that, through their actions, has touched the lives of many. It is a reminder that just one thoughtful act can change the lives of many.